An editing story: the truth behind the time frame

September 17, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

An editing story: the truth behind the time frame

I spent so much time in the last month working on my website to get it ready to launch to my customers that the 4 newborn sessions I also had in that time period went on "time-out" until the website was done. :(  
{Having finished images that clients can't view and order if they're not local isn't sensible; since some of my clients travel over an hour to come to my home studio!}

Well now I'm about halfway through the 4 sets I have to catch up on, they're each in separate stages of being done LOL! But yesterday I spent about an hour and a half editing a single image that needed lots of layered work, and as I finished it up and went to save it (i had forgot to keep saving it along the way) my whole editing program crashed on me! So after creating a masterpiece, I had to restart my computer and start all over again on this image. Because I was so in LOVE with it that my clients just had to have it available to them..... there went another hour of my life, thankfully it didn't take me so long to complete it the second time already having done it once! 

Moral of the story, some images take HOURS to create, there is no just "click a button and done" work produced by this photog! There's Love and care that goes into each image, no matter if it takes 5 mins to edit or hours! <3 

P.S. I also re-learned the VERY important lesson of saving as you go, so even if you crash you can pick up just about where you left off! 

Lots of Love,


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